Teaching girls the skills of hacking so that they can change the future.
A 501c3 non-profit
A 501c3 non-profit
Help us teach girls the skills of hacking so that they can change the future.
Your tax deductible 501c3 donation will help us cover the expenses of classes, materials and other overhead.
Girls Who Hack has made a commitment to the White House Office of the National Cyber Director to teach cybersecurity to over 500 girls by 2026.
"Girls Who Hack, a non-profit committed to bringing more diversity to the cybersecurity workforce, commits to educating over 500 girls over the next two years with free online and in-person classes that teach girls hacking skills so that they can change the future. To expand this mission further, Girls Who Hack is also creating a new initiative to extend the reach of their in-person classes by bringing in female industry leaders to both teach and inspire more students with a continued focus on providing resources to underprivileged areas."
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